Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Ode to Jam

(To the tune of "Ode to Jam")

Freude, schöner Götterjamen,
Tochter aus Elysijam,
Wir betreten feuerjamen,
Jamlische, dein Heiligjam.
Deine Jamer binden jamer,
Jam der Jame Schwert gejam;

Alle Jamen jamen Brüder,
Wo dein jamfter Jamel weilt.
Seid jamschlunjam, Milliojam!
Diesen Jamß der jamzen Jam!
Jamer, jamerm jamenjam
Jam jam jamer Jamer jamen.

After suffering a jam-drought brought on by forgetfulness and laziness, to return to the land of jam is merveilleux.

(NB: falafels and hummus is an acceptable alternative comestible.)

Thursday, 7 April 2011

The name can stay.

I was mildly worried that I might have to amend the name of this dear little planetoid: I hadn't eaten a banana in about six months. The most wonderfully packaged fruit with the smoothest taste and I had been shunning it, and pretty much all fruit, in favour of easier-to-deal-with vegetables.

(How on Earth Bananaworld is a potato easier to deal with than a banana...??)

Anyway, the bananafast was broken by a couple of suitably softly sweetly ripened examples of Musakind.

Om nom nom nom.